Clipper BayPass—makes your commute easier
Tell your employer!
FAQs for Employees
The Clipper BayPass is an all-access transit pass, enabling unlimited use on all bus, rail and ferry services in the nine-county Bay Area region that use Clipper (except Muni Cable Cars). Simply tap and go like you would using any other Clipper card.
Please notify the site administrator at your workplace. They will work with Clipper BayPass staff to deactivate your lost card and provide you with a replacement card.
Please call Clipper Customer Service (877.878.8883) for help troubleshooting the issue.
We will use information from this program to learn more about how an unlimited pass impacts travel behavior. We will not collect any individually identifying data. All information gathered through this program will be stored safely and anonymously. Any information shared publicly will be anonymous and in aggregate.
Join the Clipper BayPass Pilot Program and be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of unlimited transit! Colleges, universities, and other institutions can also sign up for Clipper BayPass!